Saturday, 11 February 2012

How did it go?

I hope all of you who wants to be a cabin crew have plucked up courage to go try out today. How did it go?

Sorry I couldn't post more to help in the lead up to today. Coaching started as a hobby because I can still remember my excitement years ago when I dreamed of becoming a cabin crew. I want to help other nervous ones like me. However, I do have a job and for the past week or so I have been going in and out of the country for meetings. So I was only able to help with a limited number of hopefuls who booked slots early.

If you did not make it today, don't worry. There will always be the next time. And if there is something you want to know, ask in the comments and I will try to write a post on it so that everyone can benefit from your question.

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